Try again tomorrow

What if you knew what you wanted and had gone for it?

It is common knowledge for many that if you want something, you go for it. You put the resources, the time and effort into it to make it work. So, what if after you have put all of that in, you still don’t get the result that you had hoped for? You have tried but things have not quite turned out as expected, or they have turned out to be what you would call an absolute disaster? You have put the money into that investment, time into that relationship, effort into that job, you have worked extremely hard trying to build… but it’s all come crashing down!

This crashing down, falling apart, can lead to a deep sense of loss, of devastation, of despair. Many at this point may lose heart and some may even become a shadow of their former self. The dream has been snatched! It’s not going well!

I have learnt that in life, even with the rightest of all motives, the best of all intentions, the greatest of all endeavours, not all situations will go as planned or as expected. The results, the timings may be different from what we had anticipated or wanted. While we may not be able to change all situations to suit our expectations, we may be able to change how we view these experiences.

We can try to change what we do next, how we take it on from there. We can learn the lessons from what has not worked today and use them for when we try again tomorrow.

If it hasn’t worked today, give it another go, try again tomorrow!

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